October is Pastor Appreciation Month

Adam did a post like this yesterday, and I am nothing if not unoriginal, so here goes. I appreciate my pastor.

Pastor Weeks in his Duke hat

I have been on staff at LaGrange for nearly 4 years, and Pastor Weeks has been a wonderful pastor to me.  I have had the opportunity to get to know him both personally and obviously as my co-worker and boss.  I could not ask for more from a pastor or a friend.

I can be quite critical and rarely point out what I appreciate in others which is why I am taking this opportunity to express my appreciation even though he will likely never see it.

He loves the Bible and the church.  He does his best to communicate God's message to us weekly.  And any member of our church with a need can count on his prayers and a visit.

More than any other pastor I have ever had, he is dedicated to missions.  He wants to see the Gospel spread throughout the world.  He tells us all if we are not willing to Go then we should give, and we should all pray.  There is a reason that a church in the bottom half our association by size leads in giving to Annie Armstrong, and is in the top few of giving to Lottie Moon.

Thanks for allowing me to ramp & rave :-)