Southern Baptists and December Giving

This is December, Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (LMCO) time if you are a Southern Baptist. Most charitable organizations use December as their main giving time, and consequently, there are are also hundreds of other great giving options this time of year.  Here is a very short list.

These are all excellent ways to give, but if I'm honest, I feel a pang of guilt when I give extra to these because I KNOW the good the Lottie Moon does.  As a Christian I believe in meeting the physical needs of people, but I also know that my number one duty as a Christian is spreading the gospel.  The LMCO will meet the physical needs of people around the world, and it will be used to get the Gospel to those not yet reached.  I know at least 2 of our international missionaries and I know that the money is not wasted.  I also know that the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering needs the money to keep the gospel going around the world.  (Especially in light of the dwindling dollar)

I am very curious, my fellow Southern Baptists, do you feel guilty giving to these other causes, do you not feel like Lottie is that important.  Here is a poll.  Vote, voice your opinion in the comments, then send other Southern Baptists to this link.  I want a lot of votes because I'm genuinely curious if I'm a freak for feeling the way I do.

[polldaddy poll=1138670]
