Your Help Please

If you follow me on Twitter you know that I have been in the process of redesigning the church website.  I needed to move it to a content management system so that others besides just myself could update it .  I chose Joomla because of the amazing plethora of free templates, and the flexibility.  Also because I tend to think of as being just a blogging platform.  I will have a post later about the move, but in the meantime I need your assistance. I am close to going live with it, but it needs a once-over.

I'm not as far along as I thought I would be by the time of this post.  Some of it is unfinished, I think those parts will be obvious to you, (Like the ministries page which I've decided to reformat but haven't) but let me know your thoughts on the template, the functionality, how it can be improved, and obviously any errors or proofreading mistakes.  You have been very helpful to me in the past

I would like your suggestions of any way that the site can be improved, either through design or through content.  It's pretty easy to change things now that I have a feel for this template.

The new-and-improved site can be found at Check it out. Hit me with your suggestions.

Also.  I'm in the basement for a few days, so if comments need moderating it may take a while.