The Story of My Christmas Tree 2009

You may remember this story from last year so I won't rehash the whole thing.  But I add one ornament to my Christmas tree each year.  This year I am in a quandary about something maybe you can help me out. I got both ornaments #3 and #4 last year, so I have to make a decision.  Do I break with tradition and  keep them both, or do I choose only 1?  If I keep them both then I would be getting closer to the number I should have, (remember I am a couple of ornaments shy of 1 per year) but if I begin compromising here, then why stay on my 1 per year path at all?  just for the record, I'm not throwing anything away.  The one I demote will go to my small Christmas tree.  Read the tree key then vote in the poll at the end of this post.

  1. This is the famous tin-foil ball. I added a couple of layers to it when I moved up to the full sized tree.  Also I stuck a nail with a red ribbon in it.  We got the nail/ribbon at church a few years back to remind us about Christ’s sacrifice.
  2. A University of Kentucky Wildcats ornament. I bought this at wal-mart, can’t remember when, but probably like ‘03 since I was new to North Carolina and felt an extra need to represent my team in hostile territory
  3. *This is a ball from the LPBC Lottie Moon Fundraiser 2008.  It was given in my honor by my Pastor and his wife.  It is made of actual glass
  4. *This is a University of Kentucky candy cane.  It is one of a set of 4 (But I couldn’t stand to put all 4 of them on the tree that was just too much ornament adding) given to me by Wes & Kristi who said that their son, Carson  picked it out.
  5. This is a glittery snowflake.  I’m not sure who, but somebody at Mexico Baptist Church gave me this. I lean towards thinking it is from Sandra Belt and it came in a card or something.
  6. The original blue ball. (made of actual glass) This would have been 1996.
  7. This is the tassel from my college graduation in ‘01. I was really proud of this since it took me 13 semesters to actually graduate from college.
  8. A little wooden snowman with my name on it. A Couple of my former students, Kristen and Melissa, gave this to me I’m guessing it was ‘01.
  9. This is a ball from the LaGrange Park RAs. It was part of a Lottie Moon fundraiser in ‘05. The RAs were placing these in honor or memory of someone for $4. Mine says “In honor of Jesus,” I thought it fitting since it was Christmas
  10. This is a slightly used fishing bobber, complete with weights and an actual hook to hang it. It says 80¢ on the side.  I added this one myself in ‘04.
  11. This is the tassel from my seminary graduation cap. I got this in December ‘06 when I graduated seminary. This is all that remains from my regalia rental fee of $80, so I’m definitely going to hang on to it.
  12. 3 This is a snowman with a jingle bell built in.  Holding a sign that says, “Jesus loves you snow much.”  I got it at the Cumberland Beatitude house on our work day December 2007.
  13. This is the ornament that started my one ornament per year method.  The one Kristi gave me in Christmas 1996 but it made the tree the next year, so we’ll call it ‘97

Now it's time for your input What do I do?

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