Senior Adults

Help me help you

This weekend is our annual Senior Adult banquet. For the past few years we have played "Battle of the Generations" Here's how it works: We ask our youth questions that the senior adults would find easy and we ask our senior adults questions that the youth would find easy and see which group wins. (It's always the seniors)

This year I am officially out of creativity.  So I would like your help.  Here's how we will do this -  You submit questions that fit the above description to the comments.  If I use your question in my game, I will email you the finished product. You supply the creativity, I'll supply my powerpoint skillz.

Here are some sample questions from the past few years to give you an idea what I'm looking for:

Questions for seniors -

Master Chief is the main character in... a. A popular TV show b. A popular video game c. A popular movie

Identify Master Chief

Which of these people is not the star of their own reality show?

Youth Questions -

Marshall Matt Dillon is the main character in... a. A popular movie b. A popular television show c. A popular comic book

Identify Marshall Matt Dillon

Which of these did not have a sidekick?