Is Hulu Killing TV?

There was a well-publicized quote by a dish Network executive last week that essentially said, Hulu is killing tv.  Since this blog is about whatever I think is interesting and I find this quote interesting, I am adding my own commentary. Here is my thought on the topic. Brace yourself, it’s pretty brilliant.


Of course Hulu is killing TV.  You know what?  I also have a feeling that the invention of the car is going to do serious damage to the horse & buggy industry.  It is the way of things,

better technology kills worse technology.  Blogs are killing newspapers, podcasts are killing radio, and cell phones are killing landlines.  I think that rather than to complain, the companies need to find a way to adapt.  Most will not and most will die.

There are only 2 reasons I still have paid television service today.

Reason number 1 is sports.  If not for sports, which I watch a lot of and do not care about on a delayed basis, I probably would overlook reason #2 and get rid of paid television service.

Reason number 2 is picture quality.  Like almost everyone I have a large HDTV that cost a lot of money.  Filling it with low quality video is frustrating.  Though I must admit, the video quality of Hulu or Netflix streaming over my x-box is quite acceptable.  I cannot say the same for or You Tube.  There are other ways to get acceptable quality video from the internet to my TV so I see this problem being remedied soon.

I’m curious, readers, have you seriously considered doing away with your television service like I have?  As soon as those 2 problems have an acceptable solution I’ll probably be gone.  What about you?  (BTW: I do not see an affordable solution to the sports issue on the horizon)

The Final Season of Lost is Coming

It's less than a week away

And I have been rewatching the series since Christmas.  I'm only about halfway thorugh season 3 right now bu watching it again reminds me of just what a great show it is.

Like everyone else I have a list of questions that I hope is answered by the final season.  I know that not every single thing I wonder about will be answered, but here are the 10 questions that I feel are most important.

Let me phrase them in the form of   What’s the deal with…

  1. Jacob/Man in Black
  2. The Island (I know this one is pretty vague)
  3. The numbers
  4. Walt and/or Vincent (the ability to make stuff happen)
  5. Richard Alpert – why doesn’t that dude age?
  6. Christian Shepherd
  7. The smoke monster
  8. Why children can’t be born on the island
  9. That giant statue
  10. Everybody being connected. Did the island choose them or what’s the deal with that?

So those are my questions.  What did I leave out?

Finally, here's a promo to get you fired up.


The Future - All the Way to the Year 2000

I listen to a podcast called Fourcast. It is all about the future that always makes me think.  In the most recent episode they predicted the death of network TV and alluded to the impending death of record companies.  Just a few days before listening to that, I read an article by Stephen King in Entertainment Weekly.  In this article he bemoans the death of [music] radio, physical books, good movies, and network TV.  At the end of the article he says that his fear is that the replacements for these things is low-quality and that quality versions of all these things are going to disappear. I have hard similar arguments over the years, and the purpose of this post is to offer my disagreement.  Last week I asked you to help me make a list of important things you believe are going to die because of technology.  Our list included office equipment which is not really a surprise because tech has always moved office equipment pretty quickly.  Video stores and banks were on the list.  They are also not surprising because the services offered by those buildings can be done cheaper over the internet. (Ultimately, the disks through the mail business is doomed as well.  It will be replaced by streaming movies over the web.)  The list also included  old-style phones and wrist watches.  I doubt if anyone is overly concerned about those things, because we have the technology in place to replace them.

Then there's this item; last week I read this article about the death of cursive writing.  I personally haven’t written anything other than my signature in cursive since the 9th grade.  And this is another thing that technology has made needless.  Penmanship doesn’t matter when we type everything.

These things are not that frightening by themselves, but for many people, the cumulative effect of so many changes seems both scary and wrong.  I think this is what scares Stephen King, though he expresses his fear a bit differently.  In his words "right now there are no adequate replacements for the quality that looks to be on the way out." So let's consider his fear. Do we need to worry that the quality of the media is going to degrade because there’s no money in the new media options and all the skilled people will do something else?

My answer is a strong NO.

Books aren’t going anywhere.  Quality authors will always be widely read and they will make good money for their craft.  Books made of paper will fade, and the digital copies we all buy will cost less.  Publishing companies may even disappear.  (I believe their death is certain unless they change their archaic and draconian DRM concepts.) If publishing companies disappear what will replace them?  One possibility is that there will be freelance editors to edit for the freelance authors.  The good ones will be in demand and will earn a good living.  The bad ones will find a new job.  The same will be true for authors.  A second possibility is some sort of collective or trade group that carries out these duties but has the authors in mind rather than the bottom line of the publishing companies.  I’m not trying to predict the future, but I will say with certainty that the way things are is not the way things will be. (Do you think Plato would have written the Trial of Socrates if he had to negotiate his advance.)

This watch is bigger than my phone.  The future is coming

The same can be said for each of these media formats.  Quality will rise and people who are talented will earn a good living.  In fact, I think I can make the argument that whenever network television dies, the overall quality of that media will rise.  I am completely certain that music isn’t going to disappear, but I’m also certain that musicians will not earn their income in the same way that they do now.

An inability to imagine the future becomes fear of the future.  So much of the hand wringing and fear bears this out.  I do not pretend to know how all these things will be replaced in the future.  But I am certain that my great grandparents couldn’t have imagined what movies or television would become.  (And that they would be appalled at how much we spend each month on entertainment) I am also certain that media isn’t going anywhere.  In fact, as technology makes our work easier we will probably spend even more time consuming media.

One last thought that I didn’t know how to connect.  I believe that the media we consume will be high-quality.  Ask a Ninja, Homestar Runner, and Chad Vader are well-known, funny, widely watched and higher quality than Accidentally on Purpose.

Tomorrow…the one impending change that I cannot envision a replacement for.

Conan O'Brien - My favorite clip

Late Night with Conan O'Brien began during my senior year of High School.  I watched it with regularity throughout college and less frequently in the last few years.  Since the show is no more and Conan is moving on to a more famous time slot, I thought I would share my all-time favorite bit from the show.  Enjoy Mr. T picking apples. [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.787725&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Do Critics Matter?

I heard this story yesterday.  And it got me to thinking.  Why do I care about game reviews when I don't care at all about movie reviews? I occasionally read movie reviews, but at least as far as critics are concerned, movies that they love, I can almost count on hating.

But video game reviews are different.  I tend to be in agreement with video game reviews very often.  The only exception is that game reviewers usually don't mind vulgarity, and that is enough to keep me from playing a game like GTA, that may be fun, but I can't stand the hyper violence or horrible language of those games.  I also don't like games where you have to kill a lot of people. My theory is that game reviews are very practical, and less about opinion.  Game reviews point out actual flaws in games, like a stupid auto aiming gun, or a camera angle that keeps half the story hidden.

So feel free to chime in.  Does what movie or TV critics have to say matter to you?  Do you also place more faith in game reviews?

Here's a list of game franchises I realy like

Splinter cell - A lot of sneaking, very little killing

Prince of Persia - Cool puzzles and wall running

Madden - I have bought every madden since 92 (that's pretty sad)

Burnout - Crashes is fun

Why the Internet is Great

This will probably be an occasional post I make about why the internet is really useful. Today it is about overcoming geographical bounds.

Those of you who know me (I suppose you are the only ones reading this) know that I am a Kentucky boy living in the heart of ACC country. Although I didn’t graduate from there, I spent 4 years at UK. So needless to say, a day like this could be very depressing for me. When I turn on my local Raycom Sports affiliate, this is what is on my TV.

ACC tournament

I want to be watching the SEC tournament, not the stupid ACC tournament. (I hate every single team in the ACC tourney!)

Here’s the part about why the internet rules. Thanks to, and my reasonably quick broadband connection from Time Warner, (I hate my Time Warner DVR, but the broadband is reliable and quick.) I am able to watch the SEC tourney streaming over the web. It’s even commercial free. (Unless you count the Raycom bug that never goes away, or all the brought to you by's, or the ads plastered all over the Georgia Dome.) If I am not downloading anything I can watch at the 700k setting and it has quite a reasonable picture. Good enough that I can stream it to my TV and be quite satisfied. Check it out.

SEC Tourney

My only complaint is the unspeakably horrible music that Raycom plays during the commercial breaks. I don’t know how people got by before broadband internet, I guess they had to read the newspaper or be satisfied to watch highlights on sportscenter or college gamenight.