
Best Web Junk (October 15)

Carving pumpkins can be fun. Unless you click here and then feel inadequate forever This is quite enjoyable.[youtube=]

This video is a bit twisted, but it eliminates the need for any amnesia kisses.  That always bothered me.[youtube=]

Best Web Junk (October 1)

All of the HISHE videos are brilliant, but this one I like particularly because I never thought about why he just doesn't stop Luke from falling. [youtube=] And since you can never really get enough Star Wars-related cleverness I present a preview for a movie I would totally go see. [youtube=]

Best Web Junk (September 24)

Today in the best junk of the web we have 2 videos. This first one really speaks for itself[youtube=]

Secondly, a backwards music video.  I think these things are neat.  Not so much because of the effects but because people had to pronounce the words backwards to make their mouths not look wrong[youtube=]

What You People Come Here For (August Edition)

It's been a few months, but I usually make a list of the interesting searches that have brought people to my blog in the previous month and share my favorites with you.  What you see is simply cut and pasted, there is no editing.  Anything you see in parentheses is my commentary on the search.

  • is it bad if my eyes water with bell's p (I had Bell's palsy 3 years ago and my right eye waters every time I eat, so I assume it's not bad)
  • dunkaroos manufacturing plant
  • cat mario
  • say the word pentateuch (pent-uh-took)

This time around I present a new feature.  This is my favorite quote from my spam filter during the prior month. I chose this one because it almost seems like it could make sense in some absurd world, but sadly it's just an attempt to get my readers to click on an ad for some drug.  So without any further ado I present to you the spam comment of the month:

you here bad At you a uneasy choice

(BTW: I think this would be a brilliant idea for a web comic.  Somebody with talent illustrate the ridiculous comments from the spam filter)

What I Learned from My First Minor League Game

Greer StadiumLast night I attended my first ever Minor league Baseball game with my church.  I went to Greer stadium in Nashville to see the (AAA) Sounds whip the New Orleans Zephyrs 10-1.  Since it was my first ever minor league game I learned some things and I thought I would share.

  • The Brewers have a potential star coming in Brendan Katin. He had 2 homers, including a grand slam and 7 RBIs
  • Minor league ball has a lot of non-baseball activity. There was literally some giveaway or some fan event in every half-inning
  • McDonald's gives away McDoubles like they are water
  • You want access to a baseball player? Minor league ball is the way to go
  • You want free stuff? Minor league  ball is the way to go.  Two members of our group got t-shirts (stuffed with coupons for McDoubles) and a third should have had a foul ball.
  • You can get A LOT of kettle corn for seven bucks
  • There are really no bad seats in a small baseball park
  • A 15 year old emergency poncho is in pretty much perfect condition provided it has never been taken out of the original plastic
  • The minor leagues will leave a pitcher in for a long time even if he is getting absolutely shelled
  • Everybody likes to watch a little kid dance
  • Technically you can use an Android phone for your fantasy draft, but it is not going to work very well

Best Web Junk (August 20)

I have been getting this same 3-part red-ring pretty much every other time I turn on the X-box lately so I enjoyed this.  But my NES was definitely done years ago Such a sad story

In other news.  Apparently guys will check out girls even if it is dangerous

I am fascinated by how stuff works and how stuff is made, so this link is right up my alley

This is world yo-yo champion Jensen Kimmitt and this video is pretty much amazing.  Like 10 times in this thing I thought he had the yo-yo in an unrecoverable knot.  Seriously, it's amazing.  Also, where did the world go for awesome yo-yo videos before youtube was a thing? [youtube=]

If the yo-yo didn't impress you, this definitely will [youtube=]


I have 3 fantasy drafts in the next 2 weeks, so I thought it was time to break out an annual feature of my blog - WBAGNFAFFT.  Each year I post a list of what I think are clever fantasy football team names. Here is list #1 and here is #2.   So what I’ve done for you is to collect all of the clean & funny, WBAGNFARB’s* from Dave Barry’s blog over the last year.  This list is not comprehensive and it is not original.  It’s merely a collection from that blog.

  • Hissing Toilet
  • Weaponized Chili
  • Sausage-Addicted Kookaburra
  • Melon Chaos

I know it's a bit of a short list, but this year has been a bit odd for me.  My routine has been quite shaken, so my list isn't as long as normal.

*WBANGFARB = Would Be A Good Name For A Rock Band

Best Web Junk (August 13)

This is an awesome and creative win I'm obviously not a woman, and I don't even know what Ann Taylor is, so I have a hard time getting terribly outraged.  But if the woman on the left in this picture is not acceptable to that company, then nobody on earth should buy their clothes because nobody on earth will look good enough to wear them properly.

I know I say this often, but I love my Android phone.  However, I really enjoyed this list of things that droid does not do.

This is not the typical kind of video I post in Best Web Junk. It's a little more artsy than my usual video game or Star Wars related stuff, but it found it to be really neat[youtube=]

This parody of The Social Network trailer is more like the stuff I usually link to.  It's funny and awesome.[youtube=]

Best Web Junk (July 30)

Today is an all video edition of Best Web Junk.  Lots of good videos this week. Without question, this is the best video of the week.[youtube=]

I pretty much guarantee you have seen this by now.  But it is definitely some of the best web junk this week [youtube=]

Some of these are brilliant and hilarious[youtube=]

Best Web Junk (June 25)

Lawyers...It's a good thing they are earning their high salaries.  Otherwise the makers of unicorn meat would be out of control.  We can't just let them go about all willy-nilly infringing upon the slogan for pork. If I saw this in my local supermarket I'd be inclined to think it was the best grocery ever [youtube=]

If the question is, "how may Mario themed videos can you have in your best web junk?"  The answer would be I don't know, but here's one more[youtube=]

Best Web Junk (June 11)

This is probably the best news I read this week.  Even though it'll probably only destroy the memories from my childhood As far as I know no human has ever completed a game of Monopoly.  But it turns out that it is theoretically possible in under a minute

This video is great for 57 seconds.  Don't waste your time after that


This is why I don't ever want a job doing computer customer service


Best Web Junk (May 28)

Most important link this week -> Go Here and vote for Danny so one of my former students can win tickets to some country music thing that is apparently a pretty big deal These buildings are teh awesome

I am ashamed to even live in a country where this hat is a possibility. (Warning, it has a swear)

On the same week as the Lost finale there's really no more appropriate video to share than this one


But if that video doesn't do it for you, enjoy Iron Baby which is awesome


The Lost Scorecard

Back in January, in anticipation of the final season of Lost I made a  I made a list of the questions I wanted to see answered.  In this post I am checking the score to see how that final season measured up to my hopes

  1. Jacob/Man in Black - Answered
  2. The Island (I know this one is pretty vague) - Really not answered, but at lest sort of addressed
  3. The numbers - Answered
  4. Walt and/or Vincent (the ability to make stuff happen) - Not even addressed
  5. Richard Alpert – why doesn’t that dude age? - Answered
  6. Christian Shepherd - Answered
  7. The smoke monster - Answered
  8. Why children can’t be born on the island - Not even addressed
  9. That giant statue - Not addressed
  10. Everybody being connected. Did the island choose them or what’s the deal with that? - Answered, sort of.

So by my count that is 6 of 10 questions answered.  Overall I was satisfied.  I found the finale to be emotional and enjoyable, even if it didn't answer the question what is the island.

All during Christian Shepard's speech all I could think of was that this is a postmodern / new-agey version of C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce.  Also I was terribly distracted by that ridiculous stained glass window tribute to every religion even if they are 100% incompatible.